Premiere Pro Unlink Shortcut

Inthe Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline, you can groupclips so that you can move, disable, copy, or delete them together.When you group a linked clip with other clips, both the audio andvideo portions of the linked clip are included in the group.

  • To group clips, select multiple clips,and choose Clip > Group.
  • To ungroup clips, click any clip in the group to selectthe group, and choose Clip > Ungroup.
  • To select one or more clips in a group of clips, Alt‑clicka single clip in a group. Shift+Alt‑click to select additional clipsin a group.
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Right‑click/Ctrl-click the linked clip and choose Delete Audio or Delete Video. Alt‑click the audio or video portion to select it alone, and press the Delete or Backspace key. Select a linked click and choose Clip Unlink Audio And Video. Reselect either clip and choose Edit Clear or Edit Delete And Close Gap.

Most video includes a soundtrack.In the Project Assets panel, clips that contain both video and audioappear as a single item. When you add the clip to a movie in theExpert view timeline, the video and audio appear on separate trackswith the video directly above the audio.

The video and audioremain linked. When you drag the video portion in the Expert viewtimeline, the linked audio moves with it, and vice versa. For this reason,audio/video pairs are called linked clips. In the Expertview timeline, the names of linked clips are underlined and identifiedwith a [V] for video or [A] for audio.

Premiere Pro Quick Keys

Linked clips share same name with either [V] or [A] appendedand are underlined.

All editing tasks (suchas moving, trimming, or changing the clip speed) act on both partsof a linked clip. You can temporarily override the link by pressingthe Alt key when you initiate editing tasks. You can also placethe video or audio portion separately.

You can link a video clip and anaudio clip so that they act as a unit. When you select, trim, split,delete, move, or change the speed of one, you affect the other clipas well. You can temporarily override the link as needed. In theExpert view timeline, the names of linked clips are underlined andidentified with a [V] for video or [A] for audio.

  • To link video and audio clips, Shift-clicka video and audio clip to select them both, and then choose Clip >Link Audio And Video.
  • To unlink video and audio clips, select a linked clipand choose Clip > Unlink Audio And Video. (Though theaudio and video are unlinked, they are both still selected. Reselecteither clip to use it separately.)
  • To select linked clips individually, Alt‑click the desiredclip. After selecting it, you can move or trim the clip independentlyof its linked clip.


To quickly delete an audio or video clipwithout unlinking it, right‑click/ctrl-click the clip and chooseeither Delete Audio or Delete Video from the menu.

Premiere pro quick keys

Delete only the audio or videoportion of a linked clip

  1. In the Expert view timeline, do oneof the following:
    • Right‑click/Ctrl-click the linked clipand choose Delete Audio or Delete Video.

    • Alt‑click the audio or video portion to select italone, and press the Delete or Backspace key.

    • Select a linked click and choose Clip >Unlink Audio And Video. Reselect either clip and choose Edit >Clear or Edit > Delete And Close Gap.

    The clips shift over to fill the gap left by thedeleted clip.

Premiere pro unlink shortcut excel

AdobePremiere Elements automatically places video and its audio on separate tracksin the Expert view timeline. However, it links the clips so thatthey remain in sync as you trim or move them.

If you Alt‑dragone of the clips out of sync, Adobe Premiere Elements displays the numberof offset frames next to the clip name in the Expert view timeline.

Evenif you unlink the clips, Adobe Premiere Elements keeps track ofthe offset, and displays it again if you relink them. You can haveAdobe Premiere Elements automatically resynchronize the clips. Dependingon the clips, you can choose between two methods of synchronizing.

  1. In the Expert view timeline, right‑click/ctrl-click the offset number of the clip you want to move.

    The clip you right‑click/ctrl-click moves or adjusts toalign with the other clip, which remains in place.

Occasionally, you might want to disablea clip while you try a different editing idea or to shorten theprocessing time. Disabling a clip hides it when you view the moviein the Monitor panel or when you export the movie. You can stillmove or change a disabled clip.

  1. Select one or more clips in the Quick view timelineor the Expert view timeline, and choose Clip > Enable.

    The check mark next to the command disappears when youdisable a clip, and the clip appears dimmed in the Quick view timelineand the Expert view timeline.

EditSSnap feature – turn on or off
EditAlt / OptionUnlink Audio / Video [Holding down Alt Key while clicking on a linked clip will unlink the audio and video portion of it]
EditAlt + [Set begin workarea marker
EditAlt +]Set End workarea marker
EditVSelection Tool
EditCRazor or Cut tool
EditALT + Right / Left ArrowMove SELECTED clip, one frame at a time
EditSHIFT + DeleteRipple Delete
PlaybackSpacebarToggle Play Forward / Stop
PlaybackJPlay reverse
PlaybackLPlay forward
PlaybackKStop Play
PlaybackK+LPlay forward in slow motion. [Hold down K first and then Hold down L
PlaybackK+JPlay reverse in slow motion [Hold down K first and then hold down J]
PlaybackK+(L)Play forward one frame at a time [Hold down K, then press L for each frame to move forward]
PlaybackK+(J)plary reverse one frame at a time [Hold down K, then press J for each frame to move back]
Timeline (backslash)Resizes timeline to display entire project
TimelineHOMEMove to the beginning of the timeline
TimelineENDMove to the End of the timeline
TimelinePage UpMove to the beginning of current clip or earlier edit point
TimelinePage DownMove to the end of the current clip or next edit point
TimelineISet Inpoint
TimelineOSet Outpoint
TimelineQGo To Inpoint
TimelineWGo To Outpoint
Timeline* [Keypad]Adds Marker [Has to be asterisk key on numeric keypad and not shift + 8]
TimelineZZoom Tool (+ / – on keyboard to zoom in/out, not keypad)
Modifier KeyKeyDescription of shortcut
EscapeCancel capture
FFast forward
TabNavigate through editable fields
DClear in point
FClear out point
GClear in and out points
Ctrl GGroup
Ctrl ShiftGUngroup
Ctrl RSpeed/duration
Ctrl Shift/Duplicate
Ctrl ASelect all
Ctrl ShiftADeselect all
Ctrl CCopy
ShiftDeleteRipple delete
Ctrl EEdit original
Ctrl FFind
Ctrl VPaste
Ctrl ShiftVPaste insert
Alt Ctrl VPaste attributes
Ctrl XCut
Ctrl ZUndo
Ctrl ShiftZRedo
Ctrl /New bin
Ctrl ShiftHSelection
Ctrl IImport
Alt Ctrl IImport from browser
Ctrl MExport Media
Ctrl NNew sequence
Alt Ctrl NNew project
Ctrl OOpen project
Alt Ctrl OBrowse in bridge
Ctrl QExit
Ctrl SSave
Ctrl ShiftSSave as
Alt Ctrl SSave a copy
Ctrl WClose
Ctrl ShiftWClose project
Ctrl ShiftHGet properties for selection
MMatch frame
QGo to in point
WGo to out point
F1Adobe premiere pro help
Ctrl 0Clear current sequence marker
Ctrl Shift0Clear current clip marker
Alt 0Clear all sequence markers