Choices Game How To Get Free Keys
Choices: Stories You Play is the game that is created by Pixelberry. The game is available at free of cost, and it is available for both IOS and Android platforms. It is a simulation game that depends on the stories and chapters which are present in it. Choices: Stories You Play. I really enjoy the game choice and if this works I will be sooo happy as it takes ages to get Dimonds and keys. The stories on choice are very well written and it is easy to get engrossed in. I would like to have more options playing the game hence why I am doing this. Your Diamonds and Keys are almost ready. Due to the mass abuse, we have added Human Verification form to prevent abuse of our online cheat tool. 1) Choose one 60-second offer below. 2) Complete offer with real information. 3) Check your account for your new Diamonds and Keys. There are only a few ways that players can get access to Choices Unlimited Keys And Diamonds. The first and most unpopular way is to spend a lot of time doing quests to gain points and resources. The second way is to pay your way in order to get diamonds and keys fast. The 3rd way is to use online hacks to get Choices free keys.
In this article, you will find:
- Teaching tips
Teaching tips
Teach Your Child How to Make Choices
Teaching your child to make choices is element number six of the Twelve Disciplinary Elements and it's one of the most important elements of raising a well-behaved, resourceful child.
Let's talk about choice for a moment.
I love science-fiction stories that deal with alternate choices (“The Fork in the Road Not Taken” stories), where the hero or heroine suddenly is plunged into an alternate reality—a reality that could have happened had he or she made a different choice of action somewhere, sometime, before. That theme always points out to me how much choice we have in life. From big choices (“Should I take the big PR job and move to New York or go back to the land and become an herb farmer?”) to little choices (“Ice cream or salad?”), every move we make has ramifications.
How Do Choices Prevent Problems?
Part of being self-disciplined is understanding and taking responsibility for making life's choices. Helping your children learn the difficult skill of making positive, appropriate choices is a big part of parenting well. A child who is skilled at consciously making choices will understand her own needs, and gain a sense of control over her own life. Choice-making also helps teach internal discipline, organization, and prioritizing. (You're not going to have a lot of problems from a kid this empowered.)
Children learn how to make big choices by watching you do it, and by gaining experience through making little choices. Here are some tips about teaching choice to your child:
- Never give a choice you aren't willing to follow through on. That means if you say, “Either you clean your room or we are not going out to dinner tonight,” you should be prepared to start cooking. It also means if you say, “Clean your room and I'll take you to the fanciest restaurant in town,” you need to be prepared to pick up that phone and start making reservations.
- It's your responsibility to keep your child safe and healthy. Keep food choices healthy, and allow your child to choose what to eat. If your kid chooses to eat only cookies and ice cream, stop having them as a choice.
- Unless your child is very skilled at choice-making and your budget is unlimited, never offer choices without parameters. Give them an “either/or” if they are young, or up to several options if they are older. You're looking for trouble (and you're not teaching choice) if you say, “You can choose where we're going on vacation,” or “Whatever you want for dessert, it's your choice.” (Whee! We're going to Bora Bora to eat a carload of chocolate mousse topped with champagne cream and gilded with gold leaf!)
- When a child is making choices about her behavior, you can point out the choice and the consequences of it. “Jonah, I notice you have chosen to play Nintendo before dinner instead of doing your homework. I hope you are aware that you have chosen to stay home and finish your homework tonight instead of going to the movies with your friend Jeremy.”
- Older children can use choices to learn how to prioritize. You can say, “Your laundry needs to be in the hamper, Rex needs a walk, and your book report is due tomorrow. You can choose how you arrange to get it all done.” (You might add, “If you would like some help organizing your time, I'll be happy to take a couple of minutes with you at any point this evening.”)
- Once a child makes a choice, lay off on the options, don't continue to offer choices. (“Well, maybe not Bora Bora, perhaps Kathmandu.”) That's what a choice is, it's a decision. It's part of choosing to live with all the ramifications.
- Once a choice has been made, be clear as to when it becomes final. (“The special price on those discount tickets expires at midnight, so we need to be prepared to buy before bedtime.”)
Which brings us to the question, What if your child doesn't like her choice? That can be hard for a wimpy parent to watch. It can even be hard for a strong, reasonable parent to watch. Nobody enjoys watching a child be disappointed. But making a choice entails learning to live with the choice that's been made. Don't “rescue” your child from her experiences; it may make her feel better in the long run, but it ultimately won't teach her anything at all. Disappointment is a good teaching tool, and discipline is teaching.
Choices: stories you play is a game designed by Pixelberry Studios, this game allows you to fall in love or go on adventures in stories where you can control what happens next. In Choices: Stories You play, your one choice can change everything.
This game has the collection of stories related to drama, romance, horror and more. However, there are few choices cheats available that you can use to turn your story as per your wish. Let’s find out how; But before we begin, here is a short introduction to choices game-play.
Watch This Video Tutorial Before Getting Started
Fall in love, embark on epic fantasy adventure and solve crimes in this game. Presently this game includes stories of The Freshman, The Crown & The Flame and Perfect Match. In this game, choices cheats & hack plays a significant role to finish the chapter and get diamonds.
You get diamonds automatically once you complete the chapter that can be used for unlocking the premium stories.
The purpose of this article is to tell you about how to get free diamonds in choices? Here are some hacks and cheats that are created for beginners but these choices hack tools can be used by experienced players also.
How To Get Free Keys In Choices Game
List of Choices Cheats and Hacks to Get Free Diamonds
1. Learn How to Earn Your Free Diamonds
Diamonds are the capital that is required to spend unlimitedly for finishing the chapter. But, you have to obtain them first. If you are a beginner of the game, then you will get a tiny part of diamonds when you log in for the first time.
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You will obtain diamonds automatically whenever you finish the chapter. Hence, the best method to gain your chances is to play and read until it asks for a diamond. If you don’t have sufficient diamonds, then go and read another book and earn diamonds. This method is considered the best as a choices diamond cheats
2. No Option of Replays
Like other average games, replay option is not available in Choices: Stories you play. You have to play the story from the beginning instead of replaying. If you think to do so, then you can do it by just clicking on the start button that is round in shape with an arrow inside.
Unfortunately, this replaying method of Choices: stories you play cheats will not work to earn diamonds second times. As per our study, hunting diamonds by replaying the stories is just a waste of time.
3. Become the Key Master
There are only two currencies to finish the chapters, one we have earlier discussed is diamond, and others are keys. You will get a new key for every three hours. If your account is not filled with keys, then you have to wait for three long hours for delivering a new key.
The best way to restore your account with sufficient amount of keys to complete the chapter is to purchase them by paying real cash from the game store.
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As we know, the diamonds and keys plays the vital role in finishing the chapter. However, it takes much time to earn these resources. Buying these resources by paying real cash is an option for the rich financial background players. So, become a key master and play the game.
4. Switching Between Different Stories
I have introduced earlier that this game contains lots of stories. You can switch between stories as many times you want. Which story you have started first doesn’t matter. You can start from BloodBound line or from the story of high school it really makes no difference. If you got bored of playing the currently running story, then you can change it to another from home screen.
It is more important to use secure choices stories you play cheats if you are not willing to ban from the game. If you caught using choices stories you play hacks, then they will ban you for life from all the series.
Even More Hacks and Cheats for Choices to Earn Diamonds
One of the natural and legit ways is to connect with Facebook. You can earn diamonds and keys by logging in the game that means connect your game with your Facebook account. Facebook connectivity also helps you to share and use your keys and diamonds with your friends as well.
This choices hack is another secure method to earn diamonds and keys.
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Choice Stories You Play Diamond Generator: Exposed
There is nothing like choices diamond generator; the only legal way to earn diamond is to play the game and finish the chapter or purchase diamond from the game store by paying real cash.
Generators are nothing but a scam; they create greed of earning diamonds in player and asks for your email address and also personal data like a contact number or anything related to you. You can try these generators by providing a fake email address you will get to know that nothing will happen.
Choices Generator Sample
These generators collect your personal information and sell that data to marketing companies for promotional activities. Generators are a scam and nothing else, so be aware of this kind of things and play Choices: Stories You Play wisely.
Some players or users may have a question about how to hack choices stories you play? But dear players, you must be aware of that, there is no option to hack the game, keys or diamonds illegally because they are on servers and no one can hack them from there.
Wrapping Up
Choices cheats mentioned above are 100% legit and can be used to earn diamonds to play the game and finish the chapters. It is essential to play a game and collect diamond and keys in a legal way; otherwise, you will be banned for life.
Free Choice Games Online
Always go for a legitimate way mentioned above for purchasing diamonds and keys. I have mentioned some of the new additional cheats as well that will also help you. Every gameplay becomes a beautiful experience if you play it in a legal way, and choices: stories you play is very popular in teenagers as it has 5,00,000 downloads on Google Play Store alone. Have you found the article useful? Share your reviews with us and stay connected with us for more updates. Till then enjoy Gaming!!